Saturday, 26 December 2015

Travel Is My Soulmate..

I loves to travel. Travel is one of the happiness i love because the world is a book to be read over and over again. I love to go out there and see the world. This is my travel map for 2013 to 2015. I've been visited to many great places. I will write a review of my travel trip later. ( if i have time and rajin enough laa) Hahaha..

2016, i'm gonna save more money to travel. It's better now right? I should go and visit the world while i'm still single. If i'm married someday, i think it may be hard for me to travel with baby and what so on. Lain la if i kahwin dengan husband yang kaya. So that i can live a life of Che' Ta and Zain Saidin. Or maybe Scha Al-Yahya and Awal Ashaari. Kecik-kecik Aisyah and Lara Alana dah travel around the world.

What 2016 have for me so far? I always travel with my buddies. Travel with them is way better than anybody else. Yeahh i've tried to travel with a new travel buddy to Boracay. And it end up, like a nightmare.Me and my buddies, we have a birthday trip in Janda Baik, Pahang on January. We've confirmed flight to Bali on February. And confirmed flight to Kelantan( Perhentian Island) on April. Alia, Epul, Naza and Afiq already bought flight tickets to Melbourne on August. I still considering weither i wanna join them or going on my own way. Era wanna go to Boracay and ask me to go with her. I've been to Boracay last October and i really loves that place. So i might wanna go to Boracay instead of Melbourne. But i also planning to go to Stockholm, Sweden to visit a friend. Urghh.. How i wish money will fall down from trees. How i wish i have a lot to spend for travelling.

I believe all of you have your travel wishlist right? For me, i loves beaches. I love the feel of sugar-powdered sand on my feet. I love the ocean smells, and gazing at stars by the beach at night. So i have Palawan and Maldives on my list. I've do some research of Palawan, but the journey to reach Palawan is way too long. Gonna save Maldives for my honeymoon. Hahaha entah bila la pulak nak kawin nak honeymoon bagai?

Oh Maldives. I acah-acah nak amik gambar macamni nanti dengan future shuben i. Tapi sampai sekarang belom nampak bayang dia nak datang. Hahaha. I hope bakal shuben i nanti pon gila travelling. But not backpackers kinda thing eh. Becoz i travel like a princess. Hahaha gila tak princess, pegi Boracay pun bawak luggage kot. Mohon bakal shuben i ready la nak usung naik ferry and what so on.

Disebabkan i love beaches so much, teringin rasanya nak ambik Diving Licence. Selama ni tak pernah pun i dive or snorkelling. Hahaha. Entahlah, belum rasa nak buat. Selalunya ala-ala gedik mandi pantai, celup-celup kaki and swimming. And i've tried Helmet Diving before, rasa besh gila. So maybe next year kenalah buat benda-benda baru pulak kan?

Let's see.. Finding Nemo maybe?

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