Monday, 18 January 2016

Politik Di Tempat Kerja..

Heyya all. Dah 3 hari i masuk kerja after mc selama sebulan. Siksanya lahai nak duduk and bangun tapi demi mencari sesuap nasi, ku paksakan jua. Gitew. Okaylah selama sebulan duk kat umah, i lupa la sikit-sikit pasal kerja tapi i still buat kerja from home. So bila dah masuk opis ni, buat i terjebak balik dalam office politics. Benda yang paling i meluat dan menyampah.

U all pon mesti pernah melalui benda ni kan. I rasa kerja la kat mana-mana pun, takkan terlepas dari propaganda di tempat kerja. Macam-macam perangai orang ada. Jom kita describe sikit jenis-jenis orang yang ada di sekeliling kita.

Tukang Kipas
Kaki mengampu a.k.a tukang kipas. But now dorang ni semua dah upgrade jadi tukang aircond. Lagi laju dia mengipas, lagi sejuk la boss. Walhal, kebanyakan orang yang kuat mengampu ni bukan buat kerja pun. Ada jugak yang tak reti pon buat kerja dia. But they can survive with mengampu boss. Boss kita kan, kalau dia jenis tak mudah terpengaruh pun, tapi kalau dah hari-hari kena kipas, lama-lama dia buy in jugak. So tukang kipas ni akan jadi antara orang penting di syarikat. Bukan sebab capability dia, but sebab kepetahan dia bercakap dan convince orang, terutamanya boss.

Tukang Report.
Yang ni pon problem jugak. Tahap boleh menutup periuk nasik orang. Ada je issue sikit pasal orang lain, dia lah yang paling laju mereport. Slalunya orang macamni kita panggil CNN bergerak ke, or Berita Harian ke, Metro ke, Kosmo ke.. Kan? Kan? Bab kerja orang lain pantang ade silap sikit, perghh laju dia report kat boss. Tapi bila dia buat salah, kemain diam-diam dia duduk. Ada pulak yang menyalahkan orang lain to save their butt. Kalau benda tu tak betul, and boss plak dengar one side of story, kesian orang yang jadi mangsa. Tukang mereport ni ada power yang boleh buatkan korang dibuang kerja okay.

Tukang Karut. 
Tukang karut ni ala-ala macam pengampu la jugak. Tapi dia akan mengampu boss dengan cerita-cerita yang dibuat-buat demi menjatuhkan orang. Macam-macam lah orang ni capable untuk mereka-reka cerita supaya mangsa akan kelihatan buruk dan tidak dipercayai oleh boss dan management. Dia ada mission dia, untuk meletakkan diri sebagai orang kuat boss. Apa dia cakap boss percaya je tanpa usul periksa. Orang macamni selalunya perwatakan dia soft spoken ala-ala baik camtu. Nampak macam baik, alim, tapi hati busuk nauzubillah.

Tukang Jilat Bontot
Tukang jilat bontot ni macam yes man la. Belakang pum pang pum pang cakap pasal ketidakpuasan hati dia. Tapi bila depan boss, boss cakap apa semua betul. Semua okay. Macam burung kakak tua mengajuk percakapan orang. Boss cakap apa, dia ulang balik cakap jugak. Nampak la dia sefahaman dengan boss or management. Yang ni memang pandai berlakon. Pijak semut pun semut tak mati. Pengecut. Takde pendirian. Nak tunjuk bagus depan boss. Pastu mengadu domba la cakap orang ni tak setuju, orang tu tak setuju, dia jer setuju dengan cakap boss. Depan kita cakap pasal boss, depan boss cakap pasal kita. Ishh.. Kotornya hati dia.

Tukang Hasut
Tukang hasut ni kerja dia menghasut boss atau orang penting di syarikat. Selalunya dia hasut orang-orang yang menjadi kesayangan syarikat atau yang mempunyai talent or skill yang tinggi. Maybe tukang hasut ni rasa tercabar kot and nak kekalkan kedudukan dia di pejabat. Tukang hasut ni jahat u all. Busuk hati tahap ke-17. Hahaha. Pandai create citer and pandai jadi talam dua muka. Selalunya dia ni nampak baik. And ada kepetahan bercakap.

Tukang Sorak
Tukang sorak ni selalunya diam-diam je u all. Tapi kalau orang lain kena hentam dengan boss, kemain dorang bertepuk tangan. Pastu cerita tu dijaja supaya semua orang tau. Tapi sebelum bersorak tu, dia akan jumpa u all dulu. Tanya dulu kenapa? Apa sebab kena hentam segala. So bila info dah cukup, dia akan spill the story. Gitew.

Macam-macam la perangai orang kat pejabat atau tempat kerja ni kan. I sendiri memang menyampah dan meluat dengan office politics ni. I tak suka nak involve and selalunya akan buat hal sendiri jer. Lantak la apa orang nak cakap. I percaya Allah itu Maha mengetahui segala sesuatu. Semoga Allah S.W.T permudahkan segala urusan kita ye. Amiin amiin ya rabbal alamin.

Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Death On Mount Everest...

Hello all. Okay i just watched Vertical Limit and Everest today. And i end up with tears after watching Everest. Its a true event which they documented as a film. I really salute and respect their braveness and their passions. I don't think i am able to do that. Yeah hiking is not my thing. I wish i can, but i am not fit for it. It's not that i am not appreciated beauty, i was amazed by the view. I have been to Broga Hill (400m) and Teresek Hill (334m) before. Last year also me and my buddies go to Chilling Waterfall which we need to go trekking for 2 hours and cross 6 river just to reach there. It's quite tough for me because i am not into this adventurous and outdoor thing. Hahaha.

It's good that I get to see new things, be in the wild outdoors, and enjoy Allah's creations. I've done a night jungle trekking before in Pahang National Park which i've almost gave up to hear a lot of sound in the jungle. And the torchlight on my head, makes all the spider look like eyes. And it all over the place. But the best thing is i get to see reindeers hunting for food at night. Subhanallah its so beautiful. I admit that. Water rafting, river crossing, flying fox and abseiling, i've tried that. But i'm not sure wether i'm gonna do it again. Yeah i definitely want to try new things such as water rafting again, and zipline. Hehehe.

Everest, i really wanna go there, but not hiking. Maybe i can consider if helicopter may fly me up to the top of it. So i can take picture and planting a flag like what most of the successful climber do. I can't imagine how hard they force themselves to climb the Everest. It's 8848m and known as the world's highest mountain and a particularly desirable peak for mountaineers. More than 250 people have died trying to climb it . I've been struggling to climb a hill which is only 400m. I almost died. Hahahha. And i gave up for thousand time.

The Everest movie is about 8 sherpas who climbed the mountains back in 1996 and caught in a blizzard died on the mountain. To be exact the date is on 10-11 May 1996. I was 12 years old that time. Until now, they are so many people died there and the bodies remains on the mountains. The cause of death is mostly avalanche, pneumonia, brain hemorrhage, falling ice, mountain sickness, fall, exhaustion and heart attack. While i'm googling about this, i get to know that some was disappeared and the bodies is not found until today. 1 case back in 1924, George Mallory from UK climbed the mountain and disappeared. However they found the body on 1999 (surprisingly in good condition) 75 years after his expedition. Evidence suggests Mallory died from being accidentally struck by his ice axe and fall. A lot of Malaysian climber also died there.

Back in June 2013, Putrajaya Corporation (which i'm working for their subsidiary company) send a group of 13 climbers to Everest. Unfortunately our assistant engineer,Mohamad Shahrulnizam Ahmad Nazari, 25 years old, has died from acute mountain sickness while some climber is critically ill and on coma. They are stuck on the mountain, rescue evacuations impossible due to the bad weather that time. Dead, ill and stuck on Mount Everest, this is one company retreat gone wrong. Putrajaya Corporation Public Relations Senior Deputy Director, Zaharah Salamat is the main spoke person and making arrangement and coordinate rescue efforts along with the Malaysian Embassy in Kathmandu that time. However, the bad weather hampered the rescue mission as thick clouds prevented the helicopter from reaching the incident site. Following the tragic incident, all Malaysian climbers had canceled their plans to head to the Everest Base Camp they at the height of 4,100m when the incident happen.

And now, the main spoke person for this incident is my boss. She is the Chief Executive Officer and i'm working for her now. I respect her for her great assistance and arrangement during this case. It's a big case here in Malaysia that time. I can't imagine how stressful and sad she is.This is a heartbreaking incident. RIP to all of those affected family members and friends. And RIP to all of the unfortunate climbers. RIP to 8 sherpas on 1996 incident as well. I read again all of the conservation between Rob Hall and his wife, Jan and with Helen,Ed and Rob when he stuck on the mountain and remember the film that i just watched, I burst into tears.

Mount Everest: They climb it because it’s there but some never return! *crying :'(

Monday, 11 January 2016

Trulia Cafe Cyberjaya..

Okay i baru abis karaoke, so lapar nak makan. tengah fikir nak makan mana, i teringat semalam ada nampak one post kat Facebook pasal Trulia Cafe di Cyberjaya. Disebabkan we live in Cyberjaya, so we decided to try their food.

Okay, this cafe baru jer bukak. So orang masih belum ramai. Harga food surprisingly murah. So i all try la set promotion dia. Grilled Chicken Chop with Fries and air dia free flow. Murahnya with RM10, i can get a plate of chicken chop and drink.

Era order Grilled Chicken Burger and Epul order Set Nasi Ayam Merah. My chicken chop memang sedap. Fries dia tak lembik, tak oily macam sesetengah restaurant yang berangan buat western food. The gravy tu macam pelik. Bukan mushroom sauce or blackpepper sauce but rasa macam herbs sauce. Sedap. Rasa pedas manis rempah. Era pun makan chicken burger tu dia kata sedap. Just Epul kata nasi ayam merah tu tak kena dengan selera dia. But the soup also sedap. So we guess, sup utara dia pun mesti power. I takdelah pulak snap gambar food Era and Epul. Just mine jer. Hehehehe..

Presentation food dia pun cantek. Sesuai untuk awak-awak semua yang pesen amik gamba dulu before makan. Just fork and spoon dia ni jenis berat. Nasib baik tak terseliuh tangan i makan gelojoh-gelojoh tadi. Hahahaha.. 

We order food pun tak lama diaorang amik masa untuk hantar. Tak mengundang kemarahan we all yang tengah lapar ni. And the best thing is, takde GST okay. Huhuhu. Makan RM10, bayar RM10. Bagus. Absorb GST ni. Salute owner dia. Sebab memikirkan pasal pelanggan yang fikir 3,4,5 kali pasal nak makan luar sejak ada GST. Menteri suruh buat 2 kerja, yang 1 pun i tak tentu arah. Bila masa nak buat kerja ke-2 pulak? Hurmm.

Okay, kalau u all ade berdekatan, boleh la singgah and makan kat sini. Ahad and public holiday tutup tau. Location dia kat CBD Perdana, sederet dengan Salam Noodles and Bank Islam tu. Area D'Pulze tu. Hehehe. Kalo dah try food yang lain, share la. Nanti i try jugak okay. Muahhh...

The Port Family Karaoke..

Holla.. Harini maybe last day i'm on MC. Dah 28 hari i all MC. Even MC sepatutnya habis next week on 18hb January, i decide nak masuk opis dah. Sebab comdition coccyx pon dah okay and i dah bosan duduk rumah lama-lama. So hari ni I dental Era keluar la tanpa arah tujuan sebab bosan kat umah. So pikir-pikir da lama jugak kitaorang tak menyumbangkan suara, so decide pergi Red Box IOI Puchong.
Me on my bad hair day!
Sampai je kat IOI Mall Puchong tu, rupanya Red Box dah tutup and digantikan dengan The Port Family Karaouke. Okay so i all nak citer sikit pasal tempat ni. I all suka giler concept dia yang buat ala-ala port construction camtu. Pekerja pun pakai macam orang kat site. I all rasa pagi-pagi keluar rumah nak pergi kerja, dia mesti cakap, "Okay mak. Pergi kerja dulu. Nak pergi site kat Puchong today". Hahahaha. Sejibik macam contractor okay.. So cute and unique. A good concept.
Comel kan? Boleh acah-acah bawak Blueprint and amik gamba. Kunon2 site visit ni..
Harga dia pun memang murah giler. Harga tak masuk akal. Tak sangka semurah ni. Sound system superb. Memang besh. I ngan Era kemain lagi buat konsert kat situ selama 2 jam. Suara dengar sedap nau. Maybe boleh masuk AF tahun ni. Huhuhu. Sound memang besh weh. Tidbits dia unik, keropok goreng. Rasa cam kat Ganu plak. But bila makan keropok ikan goreng tu, gatal la tekak. Susah sikit nak nyanyi. Hehehe. tapi food and drinks from the menu also cheap okay. I all tak try plak sebab baru lepas lunch tadi. So next time i try.
Comel baju staff dia. Comel lagi muka dia. Eh?
Pekerja kat situ sumer friendly. Muda and comel belaka. Sangat la mesra. Terasa macam i ngan Era ni retis datang nak buat sound check kejap. Gila berangan kitaorang. Ramai jugak la time we all datang tu. Bilik for 2, besar sangat. Rasa nak baring jer tanak balik. 
Murah tak tipu. Boleh pegi tiap-tiap hari. Hahaha..
Okay, nak datang lagi sini. Harga murah, servis tiptop, sound sedap. Maybe boleh jadi regular customer pasni. U all, kalo suka karaoke tu, bolehlah datang sini. Dalam IOI Mall Puchong, level atas sekali. Worth every penny. 

Friday, 8 January 2016

It's Okay Not To Be Okay..

All my life, I've struggled with loneliness. I can be with a group of people, yet still feel this strange lonely feeling deep inside. Do you know that feeling when you feel really alone and like no one cares? Why am i so lonely? How do I stop feeling so lonely? This is probably the most common question I've been asked lately. I understand why. Loneliness feels awful.
My life hasn't been easy. My parent get divorced when i'm 13, and I have had a lot of bad days since then. People try to help me feel better, but it doesn't always work. Sometimes I feel completely alone, with no one to talk to. But even in those bad times, I know Allah is there for me. Allah send a lot of good and great people to me. Thank you Allah for all of the blessing, friends and siblings You have gave me. Syukur Ya Allah.

I guess it's normal to get down sometimes. And it's normal to feel like your life is a big mess, especially when something awful happens. That's why Allah wants us to know we can count on Him, even when it seems like the whole world is against us.I try to think that it’s okay to be alone, even it’s been a while, it doesn’t have to make me feel uncomfortable. I don't have to feel bad about being alone because its my choice. Better alone than having a bad company. I try to be my own bestfriend. But deep inside me, i know what i felt. It's okay not to be okay.

What i do? Normally i waste some time on Facebook, Instagram, Wechat, Twitter or playing Candy Crush. Yeahh i've been attached to Candy Crush for the past 2 years i think. And i still can't move on. I'm on level 1290 now. When i'm bored, i will just grab my blanket and sleep. To my future special husband, wherever you are, why are you so far from saving me, so far from the words of my groaning? Rescue me. For my self note, remember, everything will be okay if we love and believe in ourselves, and understand that hope floats around us.. InsyaAllah.

Thursday, 7 January 2016

I Wanna Be Fairer..

Nak putih.. nak putih. Barulah putih. Muahahaha. Heyya. Salam satu malaysia. gitew. Hahaha hari ni i all pergi Mines. Jalan-jalan abskan duit. Then pegi la tengok movie kat D'Pulze. I all tengok citer The Forest. Hurmm review sikit eh. Besh la jugak. Tahap ketakutan yang menakutkan. Just ending dia jer tak berapa shiok. Its about a twin, Jess and Sara. Sara need to save her twin from the forest, Aokigahara Forest. So sepanjang citer tu pasal Sara try to save her twin. That forest known as a haunted forest where people go to commit suicide. So as an identical twin, Sara know that Jess tak mati lagi. She got that feeling la mengatakan Jess dalam kesusahan. If my sister wandered into a haunted forest because she wanted to be alone or something like that, well let’s just say I’d probably just let her go. Why double down on a mistake when it comes to ghosts and the idea that I might be dead inside the forest. Pergilah minta renjer hutan cari. Betul tak?
But actually, it based on a true event. Aokigahara forest is very real, and the events of the film more or less accurately depict what the forest is like. Memang kisah ni betul, kisah orang bunuh diri, "ubasute" and macam-macam lah. U all google la pasal forest ni eh. I all malas nak citer panjang. Hahaha. I all sedih sebab Aideen mati kene bunuh gara-gara perasaan melampau si Sara tu. Dah la Aiden tu handsome. Berduka mama. By the way, u can google "Aokigahara Forest Bodies". Beratus gambar bodies that they found in that forest. What a spooky forest. Banyak "yudei".

Okay abis movie tu i all pegi la cari kedai nak beli produk memutihkan kulit. Dah bermacam produk i try tapi tak jugak putih. Radiglow, K-Colly, Inayah Advance, Glutacaps, Injection Vit C, Glutathione la ape la, u name it, mostly i dah try. Tapi tetap gini jugak kaler kulit i. I takdela skin problem sangat, kekadang tu adalah jerawat tapi problem i is my big pores. And also my dark skin. Hehehe. Not that dark just cekelat-cekelat camtu. Tapi biasalah kan, kita mana pernah puas and bersyukur dengan apa yang kita ada. Macam hosmet i, dah putih gebu pon gigih nak makan collagen putihkan kulit. Seriously i don't understand her. Hahaha.

So hari ni i terpengaruh la beli set penjagaan muka Qu Puteh dengan Secret Skin White Kawaii Jihan Musa pakai tu. Nak try la tengok camne. Sambil tu i akan teruskan makan Vit C, Vit E and Transcap ni. Kalau tak putih jugak, siap Dato Seri Vida ngan Jihan. Haha see i mudah terpengaruh kan? Actually i tak percaya sangat kalau produk pakai retis jadi duta sebab dorang banyak duit so macam-macam treatment dorang leh buat. Contohnya Kajol tu. Hehehe. Tapi takpe i try okay.
So i harap i rajin la nak consume semua bende alah ni. Sebab i bukan rajin sangat. And part nak kena minum 3 liter air tu, perghh cabaran yang cukup besar. Rela masuk air IV macam kat spital dari nak telan masuk tekak. Tapi, demi mendapatkan kulit yang cantik and putih, i akan berusaha. Beauty is pain right? Okay. Go Zett go. Jangan hot hot chicken shit. Hahahaha. Okay till then, tata titi titu. Muahciked.

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

SBI Team Visit..

Heyya. Today im going to post about my staff visit. Setelah hari ke 21 i mc, today dorang datanglah melawat. I paham dorang semua bz kan. Lagi-lagi sejak i takde sebab injured ni. I would like to thanks Wanny, Linda, Farra, Farahin, Fiera, Fyriz and Harith yang sudi datang after work tadi. Thanks jugak pada Dean, Adzha, Daud and Hidayani yang kirim salam sebab tak dapat datang.. 11 orang staff SBI semuanya. Ramai jugak. Hehehe..
Ya Allah bersepah rumah. Kemain Anak si Era iaitu Twitty posing kat depan tu.
Camwhore rupanya kucing ni. Hahaha.. 
Thanks sebab bawakkan chocolate, get well soon card, belikan i Ostematrix Shaklee ( memang nak beli sebenarnya ) and satay yang banyak. Thanks jugak Linda bawakkan souvenir from Kelantan. Ada keropok pedas, keropok kering and macam-macam.
Sukanya bunga tu. Dorang kata every roses tu mewakili setiap sorang..
It's not the gift yang i harapkan. Your warm thought and doa pun da cukup memadai sebenarnya. Alhamdulillah, i'm lucky to have such a good team yang dah macam family dah. Tak sabar nak masuk opis. Tak sabar nak berleter-leter kat opis. Hahahaha.
Janganlah tanak improve diri bila mama takde. Hehehe..
Seronok la berbual pasal kerja and getting update from them. Alhamdulillah elok jer semua. Selain tu, thanks bawak one stack of document untuk i check. *crying. Hahaha. Da belek-belek, baru buat tak sampai suku dah pening. Nak buat analisis profit margin bagai, pening nak muntah. Dah hilang momentum kerja ni. So i amik masa post dulu entry kat blog. Hahaha.

Nanti-nantilah i sambung balek tengok document tu. Dorang kata ada lagi one stack lagi kat opis. Terus tekak rasa loya nak muntah. Hahaha. Sabar ye anak-anak mama sekalian, insyaAllah isnin depan mama masuk opis okay.

Cara Mengundang Hantu..

Perghhh ape ke scary nau entry i kali ni. Hahaha. Takdelah, sebenarnya baru je abis layan recorded movie kat tv. Selama 20 hari mc ni da berpuluh movie aku layan. Yelah bosan kan duduk kat rumah. So malam ni aku layan satu movie melayu tajuknya "Cara Mengundang Hantu". Yang aku kenal berlakon dalam movie tu Imuda, Ruminah Sidek and Allahyarham Mariani je. Yang lain semua tak kenal. Pelakon biasa-biasa je. Budget murah kot.

Okay aku nak citer sikit la pasal apa yang aku tengok tadi. Terpulanglah u all nak baca ke tak, masing-masing ada pendapat sendiri pasal hantu ni. Ade yang percaya ada pulak yang tak. Aku? Hurmm kalau tak percaya kang dia datang pulak. So aku percaya lah.. Hahahaha..

Okay dalam movie ni ade 4 short story yang boleh mengundang hantu katanya. So jom i citer sikit eh.

Terkacau Pokok Pisang
Dalam citer ni, Rizal tu terletak parang kat pokok pisang. Pastu dia kena kacau dengan pompuan jadian muka macam wife dia sedangkan wife dia pegi kelas menjahit. Dari tengahari jadian pokok pisang tu dengan Rizal. Malam wife dia balik dari kelas menjahit baru Rizal sedar. Gitew.

Okay aku memang pernah dengar pasal pokok pisang ni keras sikit. Kata orang tua-tua, pokok pisang (yang serumpun) tempat tinggal kesukaan bagi ponti and pocong. Selain tu, antara pokok lain yang orang kata berhantu adalah pokok ara, pokok beringin, pokok sukun, pokok kekabu, pokok ciku, pokok saga, pokok asam jawa, pokok buluh, pokok bacang dan pokok nangka.Elakkan berteduh atau bermain di waktu senja dekat pokok-pokok ni. Sebab kata orang tua-tua, time tu lah mereka berkeliaran di pokok sampai la ke subuh. Wallahulam.

Menderhaka Pada Orang Tua
Citer tentang Ruminah Sidek pulak. Anak dia curi duit haji dia. Pastu bertengkar. Pastu anak dia halau Ruminah Sidek keluar dari rumah. Sepanjang cerita ni Ruminah Sidek berkeliaran la kat luar. Last-last rupanya dia dah mati lama. So hantu dia lah merayau. Sampai anak dia accident. So anak dia mati sebab hantu mak dia kacau Imuda.

Dalam kisah ni, jangan kencing merata-rata. Terutamanya lelaki. Imuda tu suka kencing merata tepi jalan tak minta izin. Ruminah Sidek yang hantu tu marah cakap kurang ajar. Tu tempat dia. Awas ye kalau lelaki-lelaki tu nak kencing. Pegi cari public toilet kat Petrol Station. Free je pun!

Tak Berperikemanusiaan
Haa yang ni pelakon cina. Mak ngan anak dia. Anak dia model. Terlanggar sorang perempuan melintas jalan sambil pegang payung. Dia tak bagitau sesapa dia langgar lari perempuan tu. So mak dia asyik kena kacau je. Ada orang ketuk pintu, bukak pintu ada payung berlumuran darah. Kerusi asyik beralih, tv on sendiri. Last-last anak dia pun kena kacau baru dia bagitau mak dia.

Mak dia ade pesan masa scene anak dia tak cuci mekap terus tido. Mak dia kata, kalau tido dengan mekap, nanti benda kotor ganggu. Aku tak sure ni memang kata-kata orang tua ke? Aku ni selalu tido tak cuci mekap. 1st time aku tau pasal benda ni. And satu lagi, sentiasalah masuk rumah dengan kaki kanan. Kalau masuk kaki kiri, hantu pun ikut masuk.

Tidak Mempercayai Alam Ghaib
Haa yang ni sebenarnya aku lupa tajuk dia. Hahaha. Tapi citer pasal 3 orang perempuan yang tinggal serumah. Multi-cultural. Sorang melayu nama Puteri Susan, sorang cina nama Elaine and sorang India nama Suti. Puteri tu selalu cakap kat housemate dia jangan menyanyi atau menari dalam rumah tengah-tengah malam. Tapi Suti dan Elaine ni tak percaya. Selalu gelakkan Puteri. Rumah yang dorang duduk tu ada kes bunuh diri. Dulu ada tukang cuci India dengan anak dia kerja situ. Anak dia nak sangat masuk Universiti jadi doctor sebab nak bantu mak dia. Tapi walaupun STPM dapat 4A, dia tak diterima masuk. So dia pun terjun lah dari apartment tempat dia dengan mak dia kerja tu. Mak dia pulak, bila anak dia bunuh diri, dia pun bunuh diri dengan mengelar leher dia sendiri. Mati jugak walaupun ade beberapa titik je darah kat pisau. Huhuhu..

Then, kisah ni ada bagitau, kalau tengah malam jangan tapau makanan yang berunsurkan daging. Nanti hantu ikut balik rumah. Suti yang cakap, so maybe kata orang tua-tua kaum India kot.

So, aku nak share jugaklah antara kata-katan orang tua pasal benda-benda yang tak elok dibuat yang boleh mengundang hantu. Rasionalnya, tak tau lah. Mungkin ada sebab kot orang tua cakap camni. Maybe nak takutkan anak-anak je dulu :

Tidak Boleh Terkena Hujan Panas, Nanti ‘Keteguran’ atau ‘Tersampuk’
Kata orang-orang tua, setiap datang hujan panas, ada hantu yang berkeliaran.Hujan panas seringkali turun dalam keadaan yang tidak disangka-sangka. Seringkali hujan akan turun tiba-tiba di saat cuaca panas terik yang menggigit. Menurut kepercayaan orang tua-tua, hujan panas yang turun membawa alamat bahawa suatu perkara yang tidak diingini akan berlaku.

Tapi aku ade kisah dekat opis aku. Putrajaya kan, keliling tasik. Opis aku betul-betul di core island. So ramai kawan opis aku cakap, setiap kali buat rondaan masa hujan renyai waktu senja, mesti nampak satu family ni duk bertenggek atas pagar. Kalo tak hujan renyai, takde.

Jangan Main Spirit of The Coins
Hahaha. Ni banyak aku tengok movie kalau main je sah-sah mengundang hantu. Dulu kat sekolah ada kawan aku kata pernah main. Tatau lah ye ke tak. Sebab aku takde pun kat tempat kejadian. Aku ingat lagi, masa kat umah di JB, aku layan dvd movie ni lah. Masa tu 5,6 tahun lepas. Movie Thailand kalo tak salah. Aku tengok sorang-sorang lewat malam sebab mak and adik aku da tido. Habis je movie, aku pun pergila masuk bilik and tekan suis nak on lampu. Lampu tak menyala oii. Terus aku menjerit pegi bilik mak aku. So, jangan kata main, tengok movie dia pun aku tanak dah.

So percaya ke tidak? Dalam Islam, hantu seperti mana yang dipercayai oleh kita tu sama sekali tak wujud. Sebaliknya, daripada  al-Qur'an dan al-Sunnah didapati apa yang diperkatakan oleh kita tu takde kena mengena langsung dengan roh orang mati sebaliknya ia adalah Iblis, jin dan syaitan. Malah, mempercayai kewujudan Iblis, jin dan syaitan termasuk dalam rukun Iman yang wajib diimani. Ini kerana kewujudan Iblis, jin dan syaitan disebut secara jelas di dalam al-Qur'an dan al-Sunnah walaupun manusia tidak dapat melihatnya. Ini bermakna mempercayai kewujudan kedua-duanya termasuk dalam beriman kepada Allah, Kitab dan Rasul. Firman Allah SWT dalam surah al-Zariyat ayat 56: “Dan (ingatlah) Aku tidak menciptakan jin dan manusia melainkan untuk mereka menyembah dan beribadat kepada-Ku”.

Monday, 4 January 2016

Second Chance?

Yes and No. Huhuhu.. Oh, we all have that.Just reality dictates that you can't so you sometimes dream a little. Fantasy won't hurt anybody i guess. So here is who i wanna meet again and who i don't.

A big yes to my crush, someone who i adore so much. How i wish i could turn back times and treat him good so that he won't leave me. I know he loves me but i tak pernah menghargai dia. Yup, i never appreciate him until he's gone. Our relationship is like a roller coaster ride that time. But i do loves him. And he didn't know that. I still remember all of our conversations, memories taht we shared, and the phone call when he's out of town for work. We're separated by thousand miles and i didn't make the relationship spark at all. I am 24 that time. Both of us. If I had the chance to go back and meet him for the first time again, I would put extra effort in keeping him.  I want to get to know him all over again or make up for the things i have done wrong. I want to display the best side of me. And now, he's married with 2 kids already.

A yes to the day i met Era. I would told her not to call me "Kak". So that she won't. But now we are used to it. So i don't mind. It's not that i don't like to be called that way, but she is one of the biggest influences people in my life. A lot of her friends, become mine too. And when she called me kak, the whole bunch of the group will call me the same.She will also introduce me with "Kak Zett". Even some of them are only 1-2 years younger than me. I don't wanna sound that old. And that's odd. Hahahah..

Yes to the day i met Dato Seri Vida. I met her on Makan Malam Sempena Hari Wanita Peringkat Kebangsaan 2015. I should've ask her, her email address. So that i can send my resume. Hahaha. She's my idol now. An example of a strong and successful woman i would like to be one day. InsyaAllah.

A yes to my ex, MABP. My ex when i'm 22 years old.  I would have turned around and run as fast as I could. I've regret to know him. He caused a lot of problem which i can still feel the pain until now. Like using my name for loans, which he dissapear and i have to pay. To sell my car without proper agreement so that the car is still on my name and i have to pay for 7 years even i'm not using it. I really hate him and i don't wanna see his face anymore. Don't you dare to show your face to me.

So many people will leave scars in your heart. And there will be the one who will always put a smile whenever you're thinking of them right? Sometimes things just get out of hand. I just wanna go back and meet all of the person all over again and so i can wipe the old slate clean and start all over again. And this time make it better.  I wish we really do have time machine... but I guess that's not going to happen. Hahaha. So let's do our best today and forget what happen! Oops.. I mean learn from it too!

Saturday, 2 January 2016

Fall in Love With Kajol..

Yeayy last night dapat tengok dah Dilwale setelah lama nak pergi. So, I, Afiq, Naza, Epul and Faizal pegilah tengok kat IOI Mall Putrajaya. Our show at 11.50pm. Kemain ramai orang. Beratur almost 30 minutes pun tak dapat beli popcorn. Sakitnya hati.
Okay, i bukan nak cerita pasal Dilwale sangat pun. Memang best la this movie. I'm not a Bollywood Movie lover, but cerita ni best. Kelakar ada, sedih ada, so berbaloi la tengok. 2.5 hours dalam panggung tu aku dah tak senang duduk sebab sakit. Ikut hati nak je berdiri tepi dinding, tapi kang satu panggung tu tengok i pulak. So i tahan jelah.

Sepanjang movie tu, mulut ni tak berhenti cakap "lawanya Kajol"... Yes, there's no scene pun yang dia tak lawa. Not even one! How she can be so pretty? I can see she's maybe 2 or 3 shades fairer than before. So i googled to know what is her beauty secret. Some reports said taht she's undergo a skin melanine surgery, skin whitening treatment and what so on. No wonder she's drastically changes. If i have a lots of money, i sure will undergo the same treatment. Because i've always wanted to have a fairer skin. Hurmm. I want to have a snow-white skin.
See, dulu-dulu takdelah putih sangat. Dark skin and chubby. But she's pretty. She has an unique beauty. I love her eyes.
And now, she's prettier than before. Ohmaigad. I adore her. What a big change. I maybe don't have enough money to go for the skin whitening surgery or treatment. I've take a lots of whitening product. Radiglow, Collagen, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Dolly Collagen, but tak putih-putih pun. I've also inject some product pun tak putih jugak. I wanna try with SKin Bleaching pulak la pasni. Mana tau boleh putih sikit.

SRK pon makin tua makin handsome. His body, fuhhh macam orang muda. I dah cakap kat Naza and Afiq untuk buat that kind of body. Because both of them hari-hari pergi CF buat badan untuk Bali. Hahaha. Okay kalau Afiq and Naza ada badan macam SRK, i pun nak putih and kurus macam Kajol.

Azam tahun baru, nak putih nak putih barulah putih. Muahhh. Hahahahah *gelak Dato' Seri Vida...

Roadtrip To Kuala Selangor..

Hey all. What do u do on 1st January? I can see a lot of people posting their vacation to beaches and whatsoever. Ramai yang take advantage of this long holiday to go somewhere. To spend their time with their beloved families and friends. So do i. Me and my beloved buddies which is Era, Naza, Epul and Afiq decided to take a roadtrip to Kuala Selangor. Actually the idea is to go to Ipoh, but considering some factor such as my medical conditions, the car problems, and what so on, so we decided to head to Kuala Selangor. This is Epul's hometown so he will be the tour guide. And Afiq also doing some research about Kuala Selangor. The top attraction that we should visit.

We started our journey at 6.15am after Subuh. This is because Afiq wanna have breakfast by the paddy field. I and Era tak tido actually since last night. Imsomnia. Hahaha. So the journey takes about 1.5 hours and we reach Kuala Selangor by 8am. Just nice for a kampung style breakfast.

The nasi lemak there is soooo fucking delicious. And ada satu kuih tu. Berbungkus dalam daun pisang. I used to eat Pulut Serunding Kelapa, but this one Pulut with Sambal Tumis inside. Pedas and sedap. After breakfast, Epul drive bawak masuk ke kawasan paddy field. Ohmaigad. Memang cantik. What a breathtaking view. Jakun kejap kitaorang berhenti and pegang-pegang padi tu. Comel. Hijau. Hehehehe..

Tengoklah. Subhanallah cantiknya ciptaan Allah kan. Padi yang hijau. Langit yang biru. Rasa macam nak baring atas padi tu. Hahaha.. So we stop there taking pictures and enjoy the panaromic view.

Then kami teruskan perjalanan. Ada lalu kat satu Paddy Gallery. Niat nak masuk. Then EPul, Naza and Afiq turun siasat. Then they said its not worth it. As kami akan duduk atas deck untuk tengok. Tak boleh masuk dalam pun. So we decided not to go. Seterusnya kami ke Bukit Malawati. Bayaran tiket RM5.30 termasuk GST. Dari bawah we hop on a trem to go uphill. So we can see la a lot of museum here. Ada Musuem Permainan Tradisional, Museum Sejarah, Lighthouse, Poisoned Well, Cannons, Hundred Steps and banyak lah lagi. Tapi tak larat nak jalan. Hahaha. Sakit tailbone aku jalan. Dalam kereta pun dah cramped.

Monkeys are everywhere. Belum masuk ngan kawan-kawan aku yang perangai pun macam monkeys. hahaha. Sakit perut bergelak masa kat dalam Muzium Sejarah. Ada je lawak dorang yang buat kami ketawa. Lupa pulak dalam muzium, so ketawa kuat-kuat. Aduii. Then we all ambik-ambik gambar berlatar belakang kan Selat Melaka. Sambil menahan bau air kencing monyet yang sangat kuat kat situ. Aku dan Era rasa insecure takut kena terkam dengan monkeys. Belum part maruku Afiq kena rampas oleh monkey-monkey tu. Kesian Afiq. Habis sepeket maruku dia. Hahaha..

Then trem bawak turun downhill ke Muzium Ikan Air Tawar. Kitaorang dah berpeluh so tak turun pun. Sebab muzium dia yang hado. Tak menarik. After Bukit Malawati kami ke Pasar Penambang. Banyak lah kedai-kedai yang jual produk makanan laut ala-ala kat Pangkor tu. Ada banyak jugak seafood restaurant kat sini.

After that, kami ke Cendol Borhan. Rata-rata bloggers recommend untuk datang sini. So kami pun enjoy la makan cendol durian dengan cuaca panas terik. Bagusnya semua pekerja berkopiah. And ramai jugak masa we all datang tu. Cendol dia memang sedap weh. Murah dan sedap.

Lepas makan cendol kitaorang jalan-jalan tengok kain langsir la, kain ela lah. Pastu dah tatau nak buat apa. Afiq pun beli movie ticket Dilwale malam ni at 11.50pm di IOI Mall. So tak sempat la nak tengok fireflies. Kami pun bergerak la balik ke Cyberjaya.

On the way balek, makan dulu dekat Restoran Gelas Besar ke ape ntah nama dia di TTDI. Then balik rumah. Sakit gila punggung aku. Kebas dalam kereta lama-lama. So balek tido dulu. Malam nanti nak tengok Dilwale.

Hahaha.. So that is our activities on the first day of twenty sixteen. I really enjoy the trip. To be with your best buddies ( even tak semua dapat join ), its really a good journey.

A Hell Of A Woman..

Hi all, happy new year.. Its a new day. A new chapter anyway.. On top of all, i feel so sad and empty.. I don’t know why? Life has been so harsh on me lately. Last nite, i’ve been wondering, is this what we called karma? For those bad things i’ve done.. Maybe this is a punishment to me! What goes around will come back around. So i guess this is my payback time..

Empty.. It’s feel like i’m standing in this big world, alone. With nobody by my side.. Nobody to watch my back. Why does life need to hurt me so much?

I often find myself down with hatred and anger..Outburst of rage.. I've try to leave all of the shit behind, but whenever i try to, it keep pulling my leg back into the sluts.

I am so full of anger and hatred till i can't see straight. I really have no control over it any longer. Its partly due to being trapped in a really sucky situation. I can’t see my way out of which caused me to feel so bad. What a pure, blinding rage.

Can i still create peace in my heart? Or can i turn to be a heartless one?

Friday, 1 January 2016

Capricorn Prediction of 2016..

Okay this is waht i love to do every year. Yeahh i know syirik percaya. I bukan percaya okay. Saja jer suka-suka. Jangan nak kecam i pulak. Hahaha.. Okay this is the prediction of my sign for 2016 :-

Capricorn 2016 Horoscope: An Overview – A Look at the Year Ahead

Capricorn Horoscope 2016 predicts that you will review your objectives in life and form strategies to achieve them during 2016. You will define your goals precisely and take stock of your capabilities. You will learn new skills to suit your needs, and will disown all unnecessary things.

The Capricorn 2016 astrology forecasts also suggest that proper examination of outside information is necessary. You should be ready to terminate friendships which are an obstruction to your progress. You should not be bogged down by previous emotional baggage and feel free to express yourself.

Planet Jupiter will help you with plenty of resources and there will be no hindrance to your progress in life once you decide your targets.

Opportunities for forming relationships are plenty throughout the year. Month of February 2016 is a good period for sorting out any obstacles. While June 2016 onward you will form serious and committed love partnerships. This is also a good time to plan for a pregnancy.

Capricorn Horoscope 2016 For Career

The Capricorn 2016 horoscope foretells that you need to concentrate on emotional stability and harmonious relationship with your colleagues and superiors in your profession this year. You can stake your claim for a senior position or for getting a challenging job in the office.

Minor irritants in business caused by others should be ignored, and you should try to maintain your composure while facing obstructions to your progress. Capricorn, be confident and be aware of your responsibilities.

Capricorn Horoscope 2016 For Finance

The 2016 zodiac predictions suggest that you need to make your financial strategies on investment and savings from May to October.Modifications to money planning if required should be done during this period. You can make efforts to recover money due to you during the last two months of the year, and this will contribute to your savings.

You have to work out clear monetary strategies in a peaceful frame of mind and your emotions should not obstruct your thinking. Family will be supportive of the Sea Goat’s efforts to make money.

Capricorn Horoscope 2016 For Health

The Capricorn 2016 horoscope foretells that your vitality will be excellent during the early part of 2016, but your preoccupation with business and profession will require plenty of your energy and emotional reserves.From April onward, you should concentrate on relaxing as much as possible. Proper diet and creative arts will help you to replenish your stamina.

Capricorn Family 2016 Horoscope

Your family will be a source of happiness and the family environment will be soothing and enjoyable.

2016 Astrology Forecasts For Capricorn Birthdays

January 5th – January 20th
The Capricorn horoscope 2016 predicts that the effect of planet Saturn will be dominant in January and February 2016 as well as to some extent in September and October. It is important to decide the factors which are guiding your life and set your priorities. Concentrate on regulating your activities and life instead of interfering in the life of other people.

Capricorn Monthly Horoscopes
January 2016 is a month of personal happiness and rejuvenation. This is not the time to make important decisions in life.

February 2016 is a month of visualization and planning for the Capricorn star sign.

March 2016 is a period when you need to tread with care and not take risks, forecast the Capricorn 2016 horoscope .

April 2016 is a month when you need to relax and take care of your muscles.

May 2016 will see some problems on the family front that need to be resolved.

June 2016 is a good month for detox programs and weight loss activities to be tried out.

July 2016 is a month when better financial management is needed.

August 2016 is a sexually satisfying month for the Capricorns.

September 2016 will see the beginning of progress in your career and job.

October 2016 will be a prosperous month for the Capricorn.

November 2016 asks you not to indulge in ego and high self-esteem.

December 2016 will be the best month in the whole year as there is nothing that can stop your progress.

Hello Twenty Sixteen..

2016 is just around the corner. I mean yeahh tonight is the new year eve. I wanna talk about my new year resolutions. I make a New Year's resolution every year.Every year, i make the same promises, and every year i failed miserably. Huhuhu. The hardest resolution that i promise myself is to lose weight. But i kept gaining kgs every year. *crying..

I wanna take a moment to look back on what achievement i've unlock on 2015.

1. I was being promoted twice. Promoted to Manager of Sales & Marketing on April and being promoted again as Director of Sales on July. Alhamdulillah. Rezeki Allah. Rezeki anak-anak. Anak-anak belum lahir sebab belum ade calon suami. Tapi mummy buat ni semua untuk anak-anak mummy. Giteww berangan!

2. My relationship with my family is getting better. I was so busy all the time that i have neglect my family. Alhamdulillah, now my relationship with my parent and sibling dah bertambah baik. Dah balik kampung tunjuk muka. I know both of my parent, and my siblings frustrated with me. I've choose to love my carrier than my family. I can't forgive myself for being so selfish.

3. Travel more. Yes i've been to New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad, Bangladesh, Beijing, Singapore, Jakarta, Boracay this year. Syukur alhamdulillah. Merasa la tengok negara orang.

4. Settle hutang lapuk. Gitew kata kau. Yeah i've started my 2015 with a lot of debt, around RM20,000 maybe. Credit card, personal loan, car loan ,etc. I've 5 debt, and towards the end of 2015, i only have 1 left. Alhamdulillah. Around RM 4000++ to settle insyaAllah.

And what was the things i've failed to unlock on 2015?

1. Getting married. Urghh jangan kata married, boyfriend pun takde till now. Being attached with 1,2 or 3 or 4 guys this year, hahaha. But it last not more than 3 month. Im so unlucky in love maybe.

2. To lose weight. Oh my Gucci. This is the hardest to achieve. This is what i carried forward every year. Maybe since 2010?

Thank you Allah for all of the blessing. Bersyukur sangat di atas rezekiMu. Sesungguhnya Allah maha mengetahui segala sesuatu.

So what are my 2016 resolutions?

1. LOSE WEIGHT again. Hahaha. Okay, let's put a target now. I want to get rid 20Kgs of my fat on 2016.

2. Settle my debt.

3. Get a boyfriend which i wanna spend my whole life with.

4. Be a good daughter to my parent and a good sister to my siblings.

5. Pray more. Menuju ke syurga Allah. Jauh sangat aku dari jalan Allah.

6. Sedekah lebih banyak.

7. Buy a new phone. Self reward ler sikit. Hehehe. Syyhh diam-diam. Kang handphone skang buat hal plak.

8. Travel moreee... I wish to visit Boracay again. Wish to travel to more beaches on 2016.

9. Urmm.. I want to pet a fish.

Thats all. I hope i can unlock all by end of 2016. Insyallah. Semoga Allah permudahkan urusanku. Amiin amiin ya rabbal alamin.